Jan. 7, 2025

AI Bots and Ghost Guns

Adam talks about AI bots, the future of the Writer's Detective Bureau, and ghost guns.

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Oct. 18, 2024

Bunco Crimes, Investigator Associations, Retired Cops, and POVs

Adam talks about bunco crime investigations, the value of belonging to investigator associations, the trope of retired cops being forced back to work for one last case, and a different kind of POV. Submit a question: writersdetective.com/ask

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Sept. 21, 2024

Cybercrime, Trap and Trace, and Concealed Carry

Adam talks about cybercrime investigations, how wiretap investigations involve "trap and trace" and "pen registers" tools, and how undercover detectives conceal their firearms.  Submit your own question to the podcast: writersdetective.com/ask

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Sept. 9, 2024

Core Character Question, Celebrities, and An Unnoticed Serial Killer

The Writer's Detective Bureau podcast is BACK and now ad-free!  Adam has retired from law enforcement and is back answering writers' questions.  Adam shares a core character question that he contemplated at the end of his career that could...

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Oct. 1, 2023

Alcoholic Beverage Control, Military Murder Investigations, and Triba…

Adam answers questions about: California’s Alcoholic Beverage Control agency, who investigates murders involving the military, and the surprising limitation on Tribal Police law enforcement powers.

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Aug. 2, 2023

International Crime Rings, FBI Legal Attaches, INTERPOL, Proactive In…

In this episode, Adam answers questions about investigating international crime rings, FBI Legal Attaches, INTERPOL, the difference between reactive and proactive investigations, and where prosecutions might happen for transnational RICO cases.

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July 27, 2023

DA Investigators, Warrantless Arrests in the Home, and Cover-Ups

Adam talks about a DA Investigator moving over to a police department as a detective, the legalities of making a warrantless arrest inside a suspect's home, and how to conduct a cover-up.

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July 12, 2023

Threads App, Life Insurance Lookups, VINELink, Confidential Name Chan…

Adam talks about the new THREADS app, whether detectives can find out if someone is listed as a beneficiary on a life insurance policy, victim notifications when an inmate is released from prison, confidential name changes, and violating protective...

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June 21, 2023

WGA Strike, Mini Rooms, AI, Phone Warrant in a Homicide, and Californ…

In this episode, we dive into the ongoing WGA strike. We'll also explore the role of artificial intelligence in writing and storytelling, and how it's poised to change the way we create and consume content. Then, we'll answer some of your writing...

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May 3, 2023

Federal Inmate Escapes, Hawaiian Floaters, and a Foreign Leader Murde…

This week we are talking about what happens when a federal inmate escapes from prison, a body in Hawaiian waters, who handles the investigation if a murder victim is found in a visiting world leader’s hotel room.

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March 15, 2023

Disaster Fraud, Moving to a New State, and Percipient Witnesses

This week, Adam answers questions about financial crimes, how a detective could go about becoming a police chief in another state, and he explains what it means to be a percipient witness.

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March 1, 2023

Undercover FBI, Prisoner Release, Pyromania, and Gun Types

Adam answers questions about a fictional FBI undercover story involving a prisoner release, pyromania, and gun types.

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Feb. 15, 2023

Why Choose to be a Detective -and- Martial Arts in Law Enforcement

This week, we do a deep dive into why your character might want to be a police detective. Plus, I talk about police batons and martial arts in law enforcement. Transcript: writersdetective.com/129

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Oct. 24, 2022

Interview with Matthew Gentile - Writer and Director of AMERICAN MURD…

Adam interviews Matthew Gentile about writing and directing his new feature film, AMERICAN MURDERER.  This true-crime inspired movie stars Tom Pelphrey, Ryan Phillippe, Idina Menzel, and Jackie Weaver.  Watch it now on iTunes, Amazon Video,...

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Oct. 20, 2022

UK vs. US CSI, Lying about Immunity, Ring Doorbell Footage

The Writer's Detective Bureau is now also a video podcast on YouTube. In this episode, Adam talks about the differences between UK and US Crime Scene Investigation, the ramifications of a detective lying about immunity to a witness, and how police...

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July 31, 2022

Exonerations, Getting SWAT to a Victim, and Legalities of Eavesdroppi…

Adam talks about exonerations after perjury, getting to a downed victim during a SWAT call, and the legalities of eavesdropping with a room bug.

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July 13, 2022

Cold-ish Case, Civilians in LE, and Arrests Made Outside of Jurisdict…

Register for Adam's upcoming writing workshop on Detective Character Mindset & Motivation. writersdetective.com/workshop In this episode, Adam talks about a cold-ish case scenario, civilian jobs in law enforcement, and how arrests made outside of...

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June 19, 2022

Sketching a Crime Scene, Immigration in 1995, and Trespassing to get …

Adam talks about sketching a crime scene, how immigration status violations were handled in California circa 1995, and what would happen if a journalist went trespassing to get the scoop on a major crime.

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June 1, 2022

Inside Dispatch, Moving a Morgue, and Getting Investigative Help from…

Adam talks about how 9-1-1 calls get dispatched over the police radio, what would happen if the morgue becomes unusable, and how detectives worked with the phone company on investigations in the 1950s and 60s. writersdetective.com/122

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April 23, 2022

Complaining About Paperwork, Fatal Hit & Run Investigations, and Susp…

Adam complains about his least favorite bureaucratic paperwork and then talks about fatal hit & run investigations and suspect extraditions.

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April 12, 2022

Investigating False Accusations, Alphabet Soup Body Snatchers, and In…

Adam talks about investigating false allegations made against a detective, what would happen if Alphabet Soup feds barged in to take possession of a decedent, and the realities of investigating the remains of someone that died sixty or seventy years...

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April 6, 2022

Personal Ties to a Homicide, Chalk Outlines, Jury Duty for Cops, and …

Adam talks about what happens if a homicide detective has personal ties to a homicide victim, if chalk outlines are really used, whether cops can serve on a jury, and how reviewing this podcast on Podchaser.com can raise money for ChefsForUkraine...

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March 29, 2022

Coroner Inquests, Small Town Sheriff or Police Chief, and different I…

Adam explains what a Coroner's Inquest is and why inquests aren't used much anymore, the difference between a small-town Sheriff and Police Chief, and he talks about the various investigative units and their divisions. writersdetective.com/118

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